Friday 25 December 2009

Hey !! I was SO sleepy yesterday , I fell asleep half-dressed !! No lah , not half-naked .. >.< Just wearing a pajama top with jeans .. And I really dont want to upload pics ..... Just go to this link to view the album of the BBG5 party on FB . I added the link there .. so just click and you will see .. and also the photos with Sun . ok ? haiz . that was easy ! i should do that more often ! oh yes , nobody left any message in my tagboard .. T^T so , signing off , MEEEE !! Merry Christmas !! ^^


Saturday 19 December 2009

I took pictures with Sun Ho !!! What ?! You mean you don't know her ?! Oh come on . Her song "Fancy Free" was the TOP in the USA breakout charts ! Pretty soon she'll be top in Asia's too . I hope .She went to Hollywood and is VERY SUPER DUPER famous . In the US . I think . OK nevermind . I'll show you her 2 quite famous songs . I'll upload the photos maybe next week .

Fancy Free - Sun Ho 

Sounds like Lady GaGa right ?

信心旅行 - JJ 林俊傑 and 何耀珊 Sun Ho

This song was for the Taiwan typhoon ; they made it into a CD and sold it, the money collected went to Taiwan to help them .

Friday 18 December 2009

Hey peeps ! Season's greetings !
"We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year !"
I specially picked out this blogskin for Christmas . Isn't it cute ? And a matching Mixpod, too ! Hahaha..
This year I'm performing for a Christmas party for my cellgroup . Simplified, I'm performing for my church. I gotta learn how to dance NOBODY ..... TT^TT I don't even know how .. And the performance is in 1 week !! Waaaaaaaahhh !!! =.=" Of all people, WHY ME ?? And it was my Mum who volunteered me .. And I also have to sing 2 songs : All I want for Christmas is You(that's why it's on the Mixpod) and Feliz Navidad(I have NO idea how to spell it yeah?)
My mum will be taking a video of me, so yeah . I'll upload it, maybe .
Oh yeah, I GOT AN IPHONE !! Kidding . It's a Disney D-888, go Google it yourself .
Ok, you wanted to see my pictures right? I have trouble uploading them from the computer, my mum deleted them i think, so just click the link below . It's from my mum's album in Facebook .
Click here for the photos, then view the photos like you normally do when you are viewing your friend's album in FB. Thanks!
Oh yes, one more thing ..